Sometimes just a glimpse is enough to scare

Short Story Strands: Halloween 2012 Edition - Edwin Stark, P.L. Blair, Michael Youngblood, Sheenah Freitas, L'Poni Baldwin, Sharon L. Reddy, Linell Jeppsen, Lisa Williamson, L.M. Boelz, Ch'kara SilverWolf, Massimo Marino, Sam Kates, Jade Kerrion, Patrick Ottuso, Lalo LaFleur, T.Jackson King

In this Halloween 2012 edition, short stories collect and present themselves in as the shadow you see out of the corner of your eye, the thump downstairs in the dark when you're all alone, and the chill down your spine that tells you that something isn't quite normal. These stories are short, sometimes only a paragraph or two, but they don't need a lot of elaboration. They are what they are: Some lead you down the path of darkness, some are freak shows that appear on the side of that haunted trail, and some stories show you that even the innocent isn't.

All of these stories are based around Halloween or the darkness that accompanies that date. You will see spirits rise from the grave, a haunted house, witches and their cats, as well as the other mythos and trappings.

If you are looking for quick stories to read, I would suggest highly suggest this book. If you are interested in learning more about stories that the different authors have written, this book nicely provides you a link back to the author's other work as well.