A twisted tale innocence & corruption

Black Crow is a unique novel written to be read quickly... when I first heard that phrase, I didn't understand that until I sat down with my kindle. Before I knew it, I was chapters into the book and my husband was reminding me that I should sleep. One chapter later became three before I could put the book down.
Set in the future, you find yourself thrown into a world of attempted-slavery, space travel, families connected in the perfect way to change civilization as it is known, false identities, love and unconventional relationships... And that's just the beginning. I can tell that this is the type of book that I will endlessly be putting together connections and finding new details every time I read it.
This is the first in the S.I. trilogy, though the book was originally written as one novel and was broken up into three parts. The separations were done so well that you can finish the first novel and it feels completed, and yet you can start reading the second book and the story continues seamlessly.
I received this ebook in an exchange for an honest review... and I will honestly recommend this book and the other two books in the S.I. trilogy to anyone who is looking for a fun & futuristic novel that will change the way you look at relationships and the world around you.