Review: The Karaoke Duo Vs The Karaoke Zombies [Kindle Edition]

The Karaoke Duo Vs. The Karaoke Zombies (Volume 1) - Edwin Stark

Everything a superhero book needs!


Ever want to become the minion of a supervillain? Answer a newspaper ad, play football and have a job interview, and you may get the opportunity to work your way up through the ranks to become an Official Minion! Unfortunately, those pesky superheroes get in the way and Villains are regulated by rules. What is an evil person to do?

This is a great spoof of superhero and supervillain stereotypes, complete with evilness such as tax deductions, flipping burgers, and a script to follow. It's also the story about how two karaoke lovers become superheroes, friends, and potentially more. While this is mostly told by the side of the good guys, I was secretly rooting for the villains for about half of the book... this is pure tongue-in-cheek humor by someone who has obviously overindulged in comic books.

Hopefully there will be a sequel to this story, as I would love to follow the adventures of Fermata Girl and The Man With The Mike!

Edit: I have discovered that there is a sequel: Fermata Girl Vs. The Medallion of Doom (The Karaoke Duo)!