Review: Catalina Ghost Stories [Kindle Edition]

Catalina Ghost Stories - Jim Musgrave

I was a little disappointed by this book. From the description, I was expecting some a little more... well... ghostly. Unfortunately, the characters might as well be normal alive people, just interacting in their own lives.


The first three stories are told from the viewpoint of the ghosts, who ever have to somehow resign them to their deaths, or need to help someone else. But there was nothing ghostly or horrific about these stories... Honestly, they were pretty boring.


The fourth story was the only story in here that I would honestly qualify as a "ghost" story. It tells the story about how someone was murdered, and the after-effects that some people have experienced.


The fifth and final story was pretty much all about the horrors of chewing gum.  Seriously. The creator of Wrigley's Gum is taken through history and shown how his creation has somehow been the cause of evil.  It was a complete anti-gum propaganda.


I gave this story three stars because while I didn't like it, I didn't hate it either. I'm just kinda blah about it. It didn't take much time to read the stories, but that's time that I could have spent reading something else. The fourth story kept this from being a two star book. My advice to the author would be to correctly market your books... "Ghost Stories" are supposed to be at least somewhat scary, at least in the current connotation of the word. Unfortunately, these stories didn't match the expectation from either the title of the description, with the possible exception of the fourth story.