Special through August on Darlin' Irish by Lyn Horner!

Darlin' Druid - Lyn Horner

I'm posting this because Darlin' Irish is currently on sale for $0.99 through Amazon instead of the normal $3.49. It's a fun paranormal romance with a great sense of humor, history that you can tell the author actually researched, and characters that you genuinely love or hate.


I've copied and pasted my original review from May 30th below, along with a link to the kindle version of the ebook.




Following your heart (and your visions):


Darlin' Irish, Book One of the Texas Devlins, is a fun and sweet romance, mixed with danger, jealousy, and love. For those who are confused by some reviews calling this book "Darlin' Druid" - the author changed the title of the book to Darlin' Irish to better fit the story and the characters.

Set during the Silver Rush in mid 1870s, Jessie Devlin - an Irishwoman with the gift of sight - travels with her brother Tye out west in search for the vision she saw of the man she would love. In her quest for love and someone who will accept her and her gift, Jessie learns that it's difficult to be a woman alone, and that pretty words and a pretty face don't mean that you can trust a man.

Lyn does a really good job at describing Salt Lake City in the days of the Silver Rush, how a non-Mormon living surrounding by people in the search of the Mormon Zion, and how a woman's reputation could be made or destroyed easily in that time, especially when living alone and working to support herself. Lyn also shows how difficult it is to learn to trust after having been left, and how rewarding it is to finally find your soul mate and partner - someone who you would risk giving up your life to protect.

I'm excited to read the next story, Dashing Irish, which will hopefully see Tye as happy as his sister Jessie.

NOTE: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review
NOTE #2: There are some sex scenes in here... it's a romance novel, however, so you should expect them.


The kindle edition of this book can be purchased for $3.49 $0.99 for a limited time at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B004ASNDES/?tag=shasworofboo-20